communication training with Dr. Sebastian Walzik

Shaping the future together

After a first communication training with Sebastian Walzik (Trainer & Coach for Communication and University Didactics - ) in November 2016, an new instructive and informative day was planned for all employees of Hanika Gitarrenbau for the 5th of July. After restructuring in the workshop, a second communication training with Sebastian was organized with the theme "Shaping the future together!".

The individual topics were inter alia:

  • to develop common ideas
  • to have and generate clarities

  • Where are we and where to go next?

  • to have the courage to speak things clearly

In addition there were discussion rounds, sensitization and trust exercises according to the motto:

People who work together make each other work!

Sebastian guided us through this day with a lot of specialist knowledge, intuition and understanding, so we can handle each other even better and more constructively in the future.

Heartfelt thank-you to Sebastian and of course to all of our employees for participation!


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